Animals of the Red Book of Kazakhstan: a comprehensive list

The world is so structured that the strong crowd out the weak and the weak go extinct. It also results from natural changes and global cataclysms. About two million years ago, one of the biggest threats to animals and humans appeared. The animals of the Red Book of Kazakhstan number more than 120 species.

Kazakhstan’s Red Book: Rare and Endangered Animals The list of endangered animals in Kazakhstan includes:

Mammals — 40 species.

Birds — 57 species.

Fish — 18 species.

Reptiles — 10 species.

Amphibians — three species.

So, mammals and birds are in the most deplorable state. Their numbers are declining due to habitat loss, lack of food, and uncontrolled hunting. Some of Kazakhstan’s animals, such as the kulan and Turan tiger, have gone extinct as a result of direct extermination. Fortunately, many of the animals on the Red List can be saved if measures are taken in time.


Of the 40 species of mammals living in the delta of the Or, 3 species are listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan:


  1. Marbled Polecat (Vormela peregusna)


It is sporadically distributed in desert and semi-desert landscapes up to the settled foothills. The species is listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan with the status of category 3. A rare animal with a rapidly shrinking range. The only species of a monotypic genus in the fauna of the CIS. It is most often found in fixed, slightly bumpy sands overgrown with saxaul, teresken, juzgun, karagana, astragalus, alternating with clay plains. The number is subject to sharp fluctuations, which is obviously related to the number of main food items (gerbils and ground squirrels).

2.Gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa)

It is found on the territory of the Southern Balkhash region. The species is listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan with the status of category 3. A rare species. The number and habitats in some areas are declining. It is the only representative of the gazelle genus and the antelope subfamily in Kazakhstan, where the northern part of its range is located. The habitats of the gazelles are fixed bumpy sands, gravelly and clay deserts crossed by dry riverbeds, covered with thickets of saxaul, juzgun, boyalych, teresken or open gravelly spaces with saxaul or tasbyurgun pastures.

  1. Pale dwarf jerboa (Salpingotus pallidus)

It lives in the Southern Balkhash region on smoothed sandy plateaus. It is listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan with the status of category 3. Habitats are fine–grained sand of various topography. The population in the Southern Balkhash region is subject to noticeable fluctuations over the years.


There are 32 species of various categories of rarity on the territory of the reserve, which is about 7.5% of the total number of flora of higher plants. The leading plants in the rare group are those listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan:

1.Kazakh reed (Scirpus kasachstanicus Dobroch), family of Sedges – Cyperaceae. Rhizomatous perennial, 100-300 cm tall, with a triangular stem and a dense inflorescence, 8-12 cm long, with unequal branches. It grows in fresh and brackish flowing waters. It was described in 1950 by K.V. Dobrokhotova from specimens collected by her on 08/17/1946 in the Semiskulsky Bayou near the village of Semizkul.

2. Blue–leaved poplar, blue-leaved turanga (Populus pruinosa Schrenk), Willow family – Salicaceae. A powerful tree, up to 10-16 m tall, with a wide crown and grayish bark. The leaves are leathery, bluish, smooth, whole–edged (which is the main external difference from the more widespread species in the territory – turangi of different leaves).

3.Shield–leaved marsh flower (Nymphoides peltatum (S.G.Gmel) O. Kuntze), Shift family – Menyanthaceae. A perennial aquatic rooting plant with a long creeping rhizome and rounded-elliptical leaves, from 3 to 10 cm long and 2-5 cm wide, with long petioles. To date, the populations are in a favorable condition; adult plants bloom abundantly and bear fruit.

4.Aldrovanda vesiculosa (Aldrovanda vesiculosa L.), the family of Rosaceae – Droseraceae. Perennial free-floating aquatic plants with thin filamentous stems and whorl-like leaves. A feature of the morphological structure of aldrovanda, an insectivorous plant, is the bivalve leaf blade, which closes, folds in half along the middle vein after the insect is captured. A rare relict species, whose numbers are declining everywhere. It is found in the waters of lakes and channels.