Month of Ramadan

Hi all, I’m Alina. And in this article I want to tell about the month of Ramadan. Honestly, it`s my first year of fasting, and I would like to share with you the information that I learned this month.
What is Muslim fasting?
The Muslim fast of Ramadan is abstinence from food and drink from the beginning of morning dawn until sunset, immediately after which all this becomes permissible. At the same time, we should responsibly consider the spiritual content of fasting — the temporary deprivation of certain goods, as a form of worship of the Lord and the fulfillment of His commands. Fasting is not a diet, but primarily the worship of God and the cultivation of the spirit. Each day of Lent consists of 2 periods: a period of abstinence — from sunrise to sunset. During this time one cannot drink or eat. And the period when eating and drinking is allowed — from sunset to dawn, that is the night period of the day. The Prophet Muhammad said: «Fasting is a protection (from committing sins in the mortal life and the fire of Hell in the eternal life). If any of you are fasting, let him not swear or shout. It is important to minimize negative emotions and maximize positive ones, to be able to direct the released energy to useful things. Andthe most important thing is a psychological attitude. «Twist» all your thoughts, words and deeds around priority goals and projects. When you learn how to do this in practice, there will be no time and forces for resentment and negative emotions. Some newcomers claim that you should sleep during Ramadan, because when you sleep, you won’t eat something accidentally, you won’t swear. So say the lazy and slackers. To those who make an effort, and do it to please God, to those people God will reveal blessed paths. Diligence and labor are part and parcel of a Muslim’s daily life. He believes in the inevitability of the Day of Judgment, not in word but in deed. Moderate sport during the days of Lent is useful and relevant. Do not be afraid of physical exertion! It’s a complete brain reset, an energy boost for the evening and the next morning.
What are the benefits of fasting? It is multifaceted. Fasting is useful spiritually and socially, and also from the point of view of medicine. A fasting person becomes God-fearing, does what the Almighty commands, renounces the forbidden. In this way, he who fasts saves himself from the punishment of hell and ensures his well-being in this life and in eternal life. During the period of fasting one learns to control oneself. At the same time he is aware of God’s mercy towards him, because he feels hunger and thirst and then, having quenched them, understands how merciful is the Lord. At the same time, he is motivated to do good to the poor and needy: he becomes more aware of their deprivation and seeks an opportunity to help them as much as he can.
That’s all the information about Ramadan I learned from my dad and the Internet. It should be rememberedthat the month of fasting is an education of the soul and body, and therefore it should be filled with self-discipline, politeness, kindness and goodness. One should not scold, gossip, or lie. If you speak, then only good things. Ramadan is a very favorable period for personal growth and maturation. I hope you enjoyed my article. That’s all, goodbye everyone.
Author: Dyusengali Alina
Almaty, Talgar region, Erkin village, №26 school